Can it be that you try this on already created block? EPiServer default values are only set when you create a new page / block.
Per Nergård was right. I was doing it on a block I already had created. Is it any way to say: if this property is blank, use this value?
Something like this can get you that behavior:
public virtual string Whatever
get { return this.GetPropertyValue(page => page.Whatever) ?? "a default value to return"; }
set { this.SetPropertyValue(page => page.Whatever, value); }
Nice, thanks! I tried to make custom setters and getters first, but I didn't use this.GetPropertyValue so it didn't work. Now it works!
EDIT: Would it be possible to set those defaults from episerver?
I'm trying to set some default values for some properties in epi seerver 7.
I have this method in my block type:
public override void SetDefaultValues(ContentType contentType)
Title = "Default title";
But it isn't even called. I followed this guide:
Can anyone help?