Listing out all Pagetypes,pages,Block types in episerversite


Hi frdz,

i am planning to do a dashboard for my episerver website, i want to list out the existing PageTypes, Pages, Blocks ,Block Types in my site.

i want to show it as

PageType CreatedBy ChangedBy

Block CreatedBy ChangedBy PageUsingThisBlock


I tried to get the code , i use criteria code to retreive but i am failed to do it, can you please give code to me. I want to display in table.

Please Help,

Thanks in advance 

Jul 02, 2013 9:15


Using FindPagesWithCriteria (i'm guessing that is what u mean) this should certainly be possible. 

Only thing you need is a list of pagetypes/blocktypes,.. i'm guessing things like this could be achieved with PageTypeRepository (not sure, just did a quick google).

I'm just curious, why would you want to do this? You can already view the list of pagetypes/blocktypes in admin-mode. When clicking on a page in the page-tree you can see version information. Would't a list of PageTypes/Pages and BlocksTypes/Blocks become very large very quick?


Jul 02, 2013 10:34

Since admin module gives the avilable page types,block types but i am preparing one dashbaord where we can see the available types and their usage.

Jul 05, 2013 5:50
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