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web dialog for property type: URL to page/external address looks strange in CMS 5 R2


I have strange behavior of dialog of property type: URL to page/external address (CMS 5 R2).

I have added dynamic property of this type, and then I tried to define its value in edit mode. When I clicked button dialog is opened but is missing one part (that one with target frame, clickable text etc).
But when I open this dialog pasting its (dialog) URL in the browser I can see both parts of the dialog. I noticed this behavior on two separate CSM 5 R2 installations.


 Dialog opened from edit mode:

Dialog opened with direct URL (to the dialog) pasted to the browser: 


Do you have any ideas how to make this dialog looks correct?
Thank you in advance for any help 

Mar 18, 2009 8:57
Seems like this is the default behavior of the property type. Not sure why options such as clickable text and target are hidden by default.
Mar 18, 2009 9:49

In the first screenshot, the dialog is opened from the url property, which will hold the url. Where would you store the target and link text in that property? :-)

"By design" is probably a good statement here.


Mar 18, 2009 12:13
Good point, Steve Cool
Mar 18, 2009 13:13

Thank you Mari and Steve for answers.

I have checked how it was in EPiServer 4.6x and there those properties are visible but not enabled.

I'm checking it because customer claims that they had such possibility (define target frame) before migration. Apparently they had not.

Best regards,


Mar 18, 2009 13:39
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