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Rightclick menu fails in viewmode


The rightclickmenu works fine in edit and admin mode, but in viewmode I get a javascripterror when rightclicking. In IE7 I get "Invalid argument" and the menu does not show (just a regular rightclick menu). In firefox the menu works, but the javascripterror is displayed here too, though a little bit more informative: "Permission denied to get property XULElement.accessibleType".

What is wrong?

Complete errormessage from firefox:

"Permission denied to get property XULElement.accessibleType _FindNodePosition()(body#ctl00_MasterBody.frontpage, "X", undefined)contextmenu.js (line 614) _SetPosition()(contextmenu )contextmenu.js (line 423) Show()(contextmenu , undefined, undefined)contextmenu.js (line 216) (?)()(contextmenu )contextmenu.js (line 143) if (docNode.offsetParent && (|| this.renderAligned || doOffsetCheck))

May 07, 2009 8:32
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