Can't enter Default value for a property on page type


Using 6.0.452.2 it doesn't seem to be possible to have any default text when adding a String < 255 or Long String > 255 property to a page type.

If I select either property and then include any default text then I always get the message;


"test" is not a valid value for "String (<= 255)".


This doesn't happen with XHTML String properties however.

Is this just a bug with RC1 or has the process for adding default text changed on string properties?

Feb 26, 2010 15:24


This is a bug in RC1. It has been fixed and will be included in the release version.


Per Gunsarfs
EPiServer Development Team

Feb 26, 2010 16:11

That's great, I look forward to trying the next release then,


Feb 26, 2010 17:03
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