If you are in edit mode you can see which version you are using in the title bar of the tab/window. CMS 6.0.530.0 is CMS 6 R1. If you upgrade to CMS 6 R2 you will get the same behavior you had in CMS 5 when it comes to handling of CSS styles.
Oh, silly me ... Thank you. Ok I can see the version there. Good to know.
Yes I know, I have R2 at home. :) I dont know if I have the time or knowledge to upgrade however. Any idea why "Globala inställningar - Använd standardinställningar" doesnt make the menu appear? It should be the default, right?
Upgrade should be an easy next next next kind of deal if the website you are upgrading isn't that complex.
Regarding your problem, you might want to check that the global settings (use default settings) actually have the menu Someone might have changed the default settings you know. To do that, click on "manage global settings" and then check what kind of settings is set for TinyMCE.
No setting is set. There is however an option to "Lägg till inställning", if I click on that I can only find one of the menus there also.
Iam using Epi Server 6.0.530.0 for a development enviroment and a live enviroment.
My first question is, to check which version of Epi we are running for a site, I have to look on the server, like in a config file? There isnt any way to check that for an admin in the CMS? Is this the so called R2 version, I guess not?
My second problem has to do with 'format' and 'stilar' menus for the xhtml editor. In prevoius versions of EpiServer, like version 5, there was this very easy and nice way to make styles appear in a single menu for the editors. I just point to a css file the editor should use and in that css file I use the code EditMenuName:Rubrik; and "Rubrik" appeared in the menu for the editors.
Not so easy in this version! HOWEVER the built in help guide for my version (6.0.530.0) says that editMenuName can still be used, but as far as I can see, it cant be used. Did Epi forget to update the help guide (help>CMS, do a search for css, "Editorns formatmallslista")?
It is to my understanding that in the version I use (6.0.530.0), you point to a css file and all the selectors (p, h1 etc) appears in one menu called "format" and all the classes appears in a menu called "stilar". The selectors are translated to nice words that non tech editors can understand like "Rubrik" / "Header", but the classes get displayed like the way a developer named them like ".subMainBread". That is not good at all.
But the quiestion is
On our development enviroment the menu "format" has dissapered. I know that I a while back tried to get rid of one menu, must have been to get rid of ".subMainBread"s - I dont really know what I did - but the menu "format" is gone.
I know my way around in the CMS a little bit. I look at a page type with a xhtml string >255 and look at the setting for the property, it said "Använd egna inställningar", a bit down the page I saw that the menu "format" wasnt there. So I changed to "Använd globala inställningar - Använd standardinställningar. But the menu doesnt appear! Why?
On our live enviroment both menus (stilar and format) are there. The settings for the property is the same as far as I can see globala inställningar - Använd standardinställningar.
How do I get both menus on our development enviroment?
Thank you very much!!