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MakingWaves.EpiImage plugin unable to export/import images


I am using MakingWaves.EpiImageViewver plugin, In the process of Export/import of content and images to different environment the images which are saved by for this plugin are not exporting and importing, on the other hand the images which are used by Episerver.ImageUrlProperty are easily getting exported and imported. 

As MakingWaves.EpiImageViewver is a third party plugin, so I think thats why Episerver Export/import process ignoring the images which is used that third party plugin.

Is there any solution for that or any alternate to export the images used in MakingWaves.EpiImageViewer plugin?



Nishant Mittal

Jul 28, 2013 4:27

Please someone help me in this?

Aug 16, 2013 6:39
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