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Importing files/images


We are building a new Intranet in epi CMS5 and we would like to move some content from the old intranet in epi 4.51.

What is the best practise of moving and importing pages? If I export some pages and include linked files the exportfile becomes so large
Is it possible to just move the upload cataloge from the oldsite and put it into the PageFiles cataloge?




May 14, 2008 10:34

Yes you can reuse the upload catalog by using the VirtualPathNativeProvider instead of the VirtualPathVersioningProvider. This will import it as an ordinary file system. The drawback is that permanent links and meta data on files does not work.

You can also migrate the whole site with the new migration tool. If that is not an option, you could adapt the ConvertNativeFileSystem.aspx.cs in the migration tool to import the files for you.


May 14, 2008 12:41
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