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Custom Membership with EPiServer Community


I created my custom membership provider and I am wondering is there a possibility to connect my membership user to administrators of the community part of my website. All I know that users that are visible in Community part are located in EpiserverCommonUsers table and  but there is also different memberships according to articles: http://blog.tomstenius.com/2009/04/episerver-community-role-and-membership.html and http://www.epiwiki.se/configuration/episerver-community/episerver-community-membership

I cannot find any example code that gives me understanding how to use my custom users and its relations in Episerver Community. (I am asking so becouse everything in Community module is tied on episerver IUser interface).

Will be glad for any help. 

Oct 22, 2014 15:05
<p>It's been quite long time ago&nbsp;when I touched Community last time but if I remember&nbsp;correctly users are synced to Community via Http module.</p> <p>So here is a workflow:</p> <p>a) Http module ("EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization.IntegrationHttpModule") is added to the list of modules</p> <pre class="brush:xml;auto-links:false;toolbar:false" contenteditable="false">&lt;add name="EPiServerCommonUserIntegration" type="EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization.IntegrationHttpModule, EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization" preCondition="managedHandler" /&gt;</pre> <p><br />b) this module verifies and makes sure that eventually there will be a record in Community data structures for the current user</p> <p>c)&nbsp;there is possibility to configure which users get synced based on their roles:</p> <pre class="brush:xml;auto-links:false;toolbar:false" contenteditable="false">&lt;episerver.common&gt; &lt;integration&gt; &lt;rolesToSynchronize&gt; &lt;add name="*" /&gt; &lt;/rolesToSynchronize&gt; &lt;rolesToTransfer&gt; &lt;add name="..." /&gt; &lt;/rolesToTransfer&gt; &lt;/integration&gt; </pre> <p></p> <p>d) Actual&nbsp;user creation happens in "EPiServer.Common.Web.Authorization.Integrator"</p> <p></p> <p>What we did back in time was to add another membership provider that knows how to authenticate users against 3rd party source, so whenever somebody was logging in - eventually our custom provider kicked in, we set users in special role that gets synced over to Community store.</p> <p>So generally speaking - if you are looking for&nbsp;another membership provider for the Community - I guess you need to add that membership provider to the list of providers (most probably you may need appropriate role provider as well) and play around sync process to get those users over to Community.</p>
Oct 26, 2014 6:28
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