Well, you're not checking null references in your code... I have done some similar stuff (but the code is buried deep), but look at this post by Karoline
Maybe that can give you some help
Since the clubs are retrieved from a dropdownlist, which is previously filled from a club-query, I see no points where a null-reference could occur. Where should I check for null-recerences then?
crit.Club.ID.Includes.Values.Add( Convert.ToInt32( item.Value ) ); - item.Value, I think Convert will fail if there is no data in item.Value. Haven't tested the code, but it could happen, maybe =)
But item.Value has a value. The error also occurs on the execution of the query, not on converting the value of the item.
I'm trying to get a list of all users who are members of some specified of clubs, but I keep getting a null-reference exception when I execute the query.
The code I'm using:
MembershipCriterion crit = newMembershipCriterion();
crit.Club = newClubCriterion();
crit.Club.ID = newIntegerCriterion();
crit.Club.ID.Includes = newIntegerInCriterion();
foreach (ListItem item in clubs.Items.OfType<ListItem>().Where( t => t.Selected ).ToList())
crit.Club.ID.Includes.Values.Add( Convert.ToInt32( item.Value ) );
query.Criteria.Add( "Clubs", crit );
Any idea what could be wrong with this code?