Ok thanks,
Appearently the error is in the database, got hold of the EPi Support team and the results lies in the table tblEPiServerCommonGlobalization e.g.:
strKey |
strCulture |
strValue |
EPiServer.Mail_buttonNewMail |
Sv |
L?gg till nytt Utskick |
Probobly something gone wrong during the migration..
After upgrading to the latest version of Relate (, some language encodings are failing. In EPiServer's edit-mode, under "E-post" tab, some of the letters å, ä and ö have been replaced by a question mark (?). I’ve been trying to locate the origin of the text, but without success. Utilizing Reflector on some EPiserver dll:s (EPiserver.Mail.Core.SentMailControl) I found the line:
this.ButtonNewMail.Text = GlobalizationHandler.Instance.GetTranslation("EPiServer.Mail_buttonNewMail");
But can’t find the substitution of EPiServer.Mail_buttonNewMail. Haven’t found the text in any language file. Is it stored in the database, if so, which one and where?
The site is browsed with Unicode (UTF-8) encoding and only some of the letters å, ä and ö, at a given site are misinterpreted.