This may well be planned in the Colaborate package, but annyway - the functions should support the following scenarios:
In EpiServer CMS 5 - have a function that enables users to request a new project site.
After regestering a few basic informations (project / site owner, sitename, duration, etc, - the user gets access to a "blank" default project web page, with certain rights to start building the content and adding tools. The project site should be governed by the master design that is made for projects within the site.
* Newslistes, documentlists, memberlists, RSS feeds, presentaions, picture library, a calender, discussions and blogs.
* I imaging this should loock like X3-extentions ore like SharePoint - you pick components from a list and drops it on the page.
* The project site administrator, normaly the prosjektowner, should be able to grant access to the site to his project members, to build a stucture with multiple pages and deleagte tasks.
All this - within the same installation and domain of a single EpiServer licence.
There should be generated a basic project list / register, wich shows all active projects, archive of old projcets, project categories, owner and start - end dates.
Thank you for submitting this feature request. We'll currently doing some work related to collaboration and "team rooms" and I will include your request into this work.
This may well be planned in the Colaborate package, but annyway - the functions should support the following scenarios:
In EpiServer CMS 5 - have a function that enables users to request a new project site.
After regestering a few basic informations (project / site owner, sitename, duration, etc, - the user gets access to a "blank" default project web page, with certain rights to start building the content and adding tools. The project site should be governed by the master design that is made for projects within the site.
* Newslistes, documentlists, memberlists, RSS feeds, presentaions, picture library, a calender, discussions and blogs.
* I imaging this should loock like X3-extentions ore like SharePoint - you pick components from a list and drops it on the page.
* The project site administrator, normaly the prosjektowner, should be able to grant access to the site to his project members, to build a stucture with multiple pages and deleagte tasks.
All this - within the same installation and domain of a single EpiServer licence.
There should be generated a basic project list / register, wich shows all active projects, archive of old projcets, project categories, owner and start - end dates.