Lucene Search Filters from database


The searchfilters used when using Mediachase.Commerce.Website.Search are currently read from the config file (/Configs/Mediachase.Search.Filters.config)
We would like to be able to have these filters stored in database instead of a config file. This makes it possible to make the filers more dynamic.

In the current setup you must edit the config file manually when adding new filtering options (like adding a new color for a product)

Aug 13, 2015 13:07

Thanks for your input. We are aware of this limitation and it has been discussed for some time. However, it is not likely to be fixed any time soon, as all focus for search implementations is on EPiServer Find. Continuing to improve the Commerce/Find capabilities and ease of use is a current priority.

Aug 14, 2015 10:16
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