When setting Page.LinkType to something other than PageShortcutType.Normal, Episerver should not validate the current page since the data comes from somewhere else. For FetchData, only the properties in the current page that are actually used should be validated.
Since the [Required] attribute forces you to set the value before creating a page (before you can set LinkType), it would be great if we had a "RequiredOnPublish" attribute to use.
Of course as developers we could write our own validation attributes for this usage scenario, but it would be better IMO if this was built in since there is potentially many different validation attributes that needs to be replaced, not only [Required]
When setting Page.LinkType to something other than PageShortcutType.Normal, Episerver should not validate the current page since the data comes from somewhere else. For FetchData, only the properties in the current page that are actually used should be validated.
Since the [Required] attribute forces you to set the value before creating a page (before you can set LinkType), it would be great if we had a "RequiredOnPublish" attribute to use.
Of course as developers we could write our own validation attributes for this usage scenario, but it would be better IMO if this was built in since there is potentially many different validation attributes that needs to be replaced, not only [Required]