Bartosz Sekula
Apr 16, 2020
(7 votes)

Translate content items without switching context

We have just released a new version of EPiServer.Labs.BlockEnhancements v0.8.0 that contains an improvement for multilingual sites.

Editors will now be able to create language versions without the need to first navigate to the item and lose their current Editing Context.


As you can see, the Inline Edit command is not available if the item does not exist in the current editing language.

After clicking 'Create {missingLanguage} language version' a dialog will pop out with a list of language specific properties. It will include both required and optional properties so that the content item can be created in one go.

Of course the new command is also available from the Assets Pane.

If you haven't tried the Block Enhancements labs yet go ahead and install from

The add-on is open-source, source code is available on our github

We would, as always, appreciate your feedback!

Apr 16, 2020


Robert Runge
Robert Runge Apr 17, 2020 08:33 AM

Looking forward to trying it out. Reducing context-switches are always welcome.

Huilaaja Apr 20, 2020 09:02 AM

Awesome! I was just looking for this kind of feature.

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