How to find the list of properties of Page Type?


Hi All,

 I am new for EPiServer and learing now. I have install EPiServer with sample Site "[AlloyTech]". In that Site I have seen some extra page properties while creating new page, but when I was looking the page type and its properties I dont see few properites which showing during in the pages.  The below are few properites which I am not seeing the pagetypes:

1)Fetch main listing from

2)Display number of pages in the main list

3)Fetch secondary listing from

4)Display number of pages in the secondary list


Anyone can help you to find where this properties added?







Sep 08, 2014 8:32

If you are new to EPiServer, I suggest that you start working on EPiServer 7.5 where this has been greatly simplified. You can find the getting started guide here:

If you have a demand to work in EPiServer CMS 6 R2, for instance due to having an existing project, I suggest that you talk with existing developers in the project to see how the site has been developed. The reason for this is that there is an extension called "Page Type Builder", that has been used in EPiServer CMS 6 to simplify working with page types and properties.

Edited, Sep 08, 2014 9:14
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