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Product version: |
EPiServer CMS 5 R2 |
Document version: |
1.0 |
Document last saved: |
25-09-2008 |
This technical note describes how to use Active Directory for authorization and authentication together with EPiServer CMS 5.
Note: Prior to EPiServer CMS 5 R2, the Active Directory Role provider was a separate source-code download that you had to compile and install. In R2 it is included in the standard EPiServer CMS installation which means that you only have to configure it.
There is an Active Directory membership provider in the .NET 2.0 Framework which we will use, and EPiServer CMS 5 provides its own Active Directory role provider
Note: The Web server with EPiServer CMS 5 does not have to be a member of the Active Directory domain, it will simply use a configured service account to communicate with the Active Directory domain controller.
To configure your site, add the following to the <membership><providers> section of web.config:
<add name="ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"
type="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, System.Web,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
connectionUsername="Some AD account with read access to AD"
connectionPassword="Password for AD account"
enableSearchMethods="true" />
Modify the connectionUsername and connectionPassword and insert values for a user account with appropriate privileges. See the documentation for the class ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider for details on security issues.
Basically any authenticated user account will have the necessary permissions (the Authenticated Users group in its default configuration will give the appropriate permissions). If your Active Directory has been reconfigured and has had the default permissions changed, you must make sure that the account has the following permissions to all groups and users that are part of the subtree that the connection string refers to:
Object permission | Read all properties |
Object permission | List contents |
Properties permission | Read all properties |
Properties permission | Read group name (pre-Windows 2000) |
Properties permission | Read groupAttributes |
Properties permission | Read memberOf |
Properties permission | Read members |
You should also add a connection string to the <connectionStrings> section that defines how the membership provider will connect to the ActiveDirectory.
An example:
<add name="ActiveDirectoryProviderConnection"
connectionString="LDAP://domain.mycompany.local" />
Once again, see documentation for the class ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider for details on the connection string and configuration parameters.
If you create a new user in an Active Directory domain, you will actually have two different user names:
In the default configuration of the Membership provider shown above, the membership provider will authenticate with User Principal Names. If you want to authenticate with the Windows Logon Name instead, add the attribute attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName" to the provider configuration.
If you decide to switch the type of user name, you will lose all profile information for the users and any user-specifc access rights that have been set (access rights assigned at the group level will remain intact).
If you need to troubleshoot the LDAP connection with a network monitor you might want to enable unsecure communication with the Active Directory server to see the communication in clear text. Enable unsecure communication by adding the attribute connectionProtection="None".
To configure your site, add the following to the <roleManager><providers> section of web.config:
<add name="ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider"
type="EPiServer.Security.ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider, name of assembly"
connectionUsername="Some AD account with read access to AD"
connectionPassword="Password for AD account" />
Note: The required attributes shown above are identical to the attributes for the Active Directory membership provider. This is intentional, in most cases you can and should use the same AD account and connection string for both the membership and role providers.
Modify the "name of assembly" of the type attribute – this should be the name of the assembly created by the project where you included the Active Directory Role provider source code. For the example of the Public templates package shown above, it should be EPiServer.Templates.Public.
Modify the connectionUsername and connectionPassword and insert values for a user account with appropriate privileges.
The role names used by default are the Windows domain compatible names (shown below as pre-Windows 2000 group name). You can use the attribute attributeMapRolename to choose another attribute for role name if you want to. Some possibilities are "cn" (which will be the Group name as shown below) or "distinguishedName" (which will be the fully qualified name such as CN=EPiServerUsers,DC=domain,DC=mycompany,DC=local). The default value is "sAMAccountName".
To be compatible with the Active Directory membership provider, the default user name mapping is the user principal name, i.e. user names in the form "user@mycomapny.domain.local". To change it into the standard Windows user name, add the attribute attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName".
For troubleshooting purposes we support the connectionProtection attribute. Set connectionProtection="None" for clear-text authentication and communication.
The Active Directory data is aggressively cached by the role provider. You can control the cache expiration with the attribute cacheTimeout. For example setting cacheTimeout="1:30:0" sets the timeout to 1 hour 30 minutes. The default is 10 minutes.
» Source Code For Active Directory Provider