ImageResizer not resizing after upgrade to EPiServer 9.2


Hi all,

I upgraded a site from EPiServer 7.19.2 to 8.0.0 (so far so good) and everything seemed to work. I also upgraded everything to the latest MVC version as described in the upgrade documentation. However, after upgrading this site to the latest 9 release (EPiServer.CMS version 9.2.1) the ImageResizer package doesn't seem to work anymore. I've checked the installation, and everything looks to be fine. However, if I go to e.g. http://epidev.local/globalassets/carrousel-images/dsc_6183bewerkt1.jpg?width=960&height=320&scale=both&crop=auto (which is an existing image), I just get the image in it's full size. Anyone who knows what's going on here?

I checked:

  • The configuration in the Web.config
    • It's mentioned in both system.web\httpModules and system.webServer\modules
    • The configuration section is there
    • The section is there, with the EPiServerBlobReader plugin mentioned
  • The installation of the module
    • It was automatically upgraded from 3.4.1 to version 4.0.4 when I updated everything in the EPiServer NuGet feed
    • Tried uninstalling and reinstalling

I'm out of things I know to try, does anybody know what's going on and how to fix it?


Oct 30, 2015 11:45

Hi Patrick,

I just noticed we do have the same problem after upgrading ImageResizer to the latest version (4.0.4). Did you manage to find a fix for it?



Jan 25, 2016 19:57

Hi not sure if this is the case but after upgrading to the latest version of imageresizer you will need a license depending on your configuration of the module. For instance DiskCache requires you to by a license but you can still downgrade to version 3 if you like. Or you can make sure you are not using plugins that requires licenses.

If you need cache you could use clientcache and tinycache plugins instead. They are not the same but ok if you have a smaller website. If not you will need to get a license

Jan 25, 2016 21:08

Btw you can check if you are in need of license by browsing www.yoursiteurl.whatever/resizer.debug.ashx

Jan 25, 2016 21:11

Hi Erik,

Thankk you for you reply.

I am not using any plugins that do require license. 

The element that is not working as expected is the Thumbnail resizing in the media library list widget. 

I would aprreciate any pointers! :)



Jan 25, 2016 22:14

Is it the media folder in assets pane we are talking about. Cause if it is I might have the same problem as discussed in this thread:

Jan 25, 2016 22:18

Hi Eric,

Yes it is. Downgrading ImageResizer to v3 is doing the trick.



Jan 25, 2016 22:27

Great. :)

Jan 25, 2016 22:32

Regarding NuGet package. Not sure if that was the right decision, but there is 2 type of package versions. 3.x is for ImageResizer v3.x. 4.x -> for latest ImageResizer.

There has been an issue with IR to kick in pipeline for the previous version (3.0). Please use latest version - 3.0.1.

And give feedback about versioning of the NuGet package. It follows similar path as you may experience for EF, Asp.Net Mvc and other packages. If this is not obvious - I'll change versioning.

Thanks! (Thanks Eric for the answers)

Jan 25, 2016 23:08

I'll did some smoke tests on v4 of ImageResizer, but guess - there has to be more covered tests.

The only thing that is changed between v4 and v3 -> plugin name in web.config (IR changed plugin system naming conventions a bit) and references to IR v4 assemblies.

Jan 25, 2016 23:12

Are you downgrading ImageResizer or ImageResizer.Plugins.EPiServerBlobReader to v3?

I downgraded ImageResizer to 3.4.3 and ImageResizer.Plugins.EPiServerBlobReader to 3.0.1 and no luck.

Nov 02, 2016 19:13

Keith, what about if you copy any image to root of the web site and try to access it and pass in IR query string arguments. Will IR then kicks in? I'm trying to check whether IR works out of EPi context..

Nov 02, 2016 19:47

That doesn't work either, so I'm guessing there's a problem with my implementation...

Nov 02, 2016 21:09

If IR is not kicking in for ordinary images, there might be some other issue. Have you checked all IR troubleshooting steps?

Nov 03, 2016 0:23

Turns out I was missing a line in my web config. was  very helpful. Thanks for your help!

Nov 03, 2016 16:16
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