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This seems like a bug - I would expect it to work based on your attempted troubleshooting steps and the code.
If I remember correctly, you should be able to work around this by using a FieldQuery with lucene syntax: "field: value" in the query expression. If you take a look at the index in Luke, you can grab the field name for the category.
Edit: I just remembered that the query expression syntax doesn't work as a pass through, that is in Commerce. Ted Nyberg has an example of a CustomFieldQuery to be able to pass in the field you wish to scope your FieldQuery to - the example is in this article as "CustomFieldQuery":
Pasted below for redundancy - all credit to Ted.
public class CustomFieldQuery : IQueryExpression { public CustomFieldQuery(string queryExpression, string fieldName) { Expression = queryExpression; Field = fieldName; Boost = null; } public CustomFieldQuery(string queryExpression, string fieldName, float boost) { Expression = queryExpression; Field = fieldName; Boost = boost; } public string GetQueryExpression() { return string.Format("{0}:({1}{2})", Field, LuceneHelpers.EscapeParenthesis(Expression), Boost.HasValue ? string.Concat("^", Boost.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(",", ".")) : string.Empty ); } public string Field { get; set; } public string Expression { get; set; } public float? Boost { get; set; } }
Hope this helps,
Thanks you.
I am aware of the Ted's blog post regarding custom fields in Lucene, and I might use that approch. But I would prefer to use the built in category field query.
I'll reach out to Epi-support and see what they have to say.
When looking at the index in Luke, I noticed that it is the CategoryId that is saved, not the Category value.
I was able to get it working by passing the category ID instead, by using CategoryRepository like so:
var categoryRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<CategoryRepository>(); var myCategory = categoryRepository.Get("Something"); categoryQuery.Items.Add(myCategory.ID.ToString());
I'm trying including categories in Episerver Search, but I'm having some issues getting any hits. I currently have this:
In the query expression I'm currently only including the category query. But when doing the actual search I'm getting zero hits.
I know the search is working, as I am able to search for freetext via:
This is what I've tried so far:
I'm starting to thinking that my query syntax may be wrong?