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Error during import: System.ArgumentException: Cannot be the same as destination


Hello community,

I am trying to import content from our UAT server to our Production server.

The Production database was originally cloned from the UAT database, both code bases are the same.

My procedure when exporting/importing is really straight forward, first:

Then I get the final file (7MB+) with all the content from UAT, then I go to Production and select the following:

When clicking on import I get the following error:

This is what I get in the error log:

2016-11-28 10:31:04,995 [5] ERROR EPiServer.Core.Transfer.TransferLogger: 10.5.3 Export/import error: Exception: Cannot be the same as destination
Parameter name: contentLinkID
System.ArgumentException: Cannot be the same as destination
Parameter name: contentLinkID
at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentSaveDB.Move(Int32 contentLinkID, Int32 destinationLinkID, Boolean archive)
at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.ContentStore.Move(Int32 contentLink, Int32 destinationLinkID, Boolean archive)
at EPiServer.DefaultContentProvider.Move(ContentReference contentReference, ContentReference destinationLink)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.MoveContent(IContent content, ContentReference parentLink, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(RawContent rawContent, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess, Guid& importedPageGuid)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(ITransferContentData content, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportContents[T](XmlTextReader reader, ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportStream(ZipPackage package, XmlTextReader reader, String partName)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportPartOfPackage(ZipPackage package, String partName)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportRaw(ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.Import()
System.ArgumentException: Cannot be the same as destination
Parameter name: contentLinkID
at EPiServer.DataAccess.ContentSaveDB.Move(Int32 contentLinkID, Int32 destinationLinkID, Boolean archive)
at EPiServer.DataAbstraction.ContentStore.Move(Int32 contentLink, Int32 destinationLinkID, Boolean archive)
at EPiServer.DefaultContentProvider.Move(ContentReference contentReference, ContentReference destinationLink)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.MoveContent(IContent content, ContentReference parentLink, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(RawContent rawContent, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess, Guid& importedPageGuid)
at EPiServer.Core.Transfer.ContentTransfer.Import(ITransferContentData content, AccessLevel requiredDestinationAccess)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportContents[T](XmlTextReader reader, ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportStream(ZipPackage package, XmlTextReader reader, String partName)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportPartOfPackage(ZipPackage package, String partName)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.ImportRaw(ZipPackage package)
at EPiServer.Enterprise.DataImporter.Import()

I do not get what the problem might be, any help is really appreciated.

P.D.: asked the same in StackOverflow

Edited, Nov 28, 2016 17:44
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