DOJO-widget, again: after publish-question


So, my DOJO-widget (which is rendered as a shared block) doesn't reload after publishing it. Neither does it return to it's parent (the page which contains the widget). It just renders the fields but it doesn't load it's values. If I go back to the containing page and then edit the widget/block again it loads fine.

The code basically looks like this:

postCreate: function () {

// create HTML elements: a dropdown, some checkboxes and some textboxes

... }

_getValueAttr: function () {

// get values from HTML elements, returning these as a javascript object.

return myWidgetData;

.. }

_setValueAttr: function () {

... }

As far as I can tell there is nothing more to do in the _getValueAttr() than returning the collected data. The data is published correctly, it renders correctly in view mode. The problem only appears after publishing it.


Feb 03, 2016 13:09

Shameless bump; anyone got anything to share here? If I'm correct, after publishing a block EPiServer should return to the parent, in this case the parent page. Instead the block fields (dropdowns, checkboxes, textboxes) all get cleared and nothing more happens.

Thankful for any insights here.


Mar 10, 2016 15:31
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