Just noticed that the files and folder structure for the media and block tabs in the assets panel are missing. Which seems very strange since they do appear under the set access rights in the admin mode.
I am running Epi 10.10.0 version and I am not using the globalization or the site specific assets.
I read that the use site specif assets checkbox might the occuring problem, but ticking back and forth did nothing. https://world.episerver.com/kb/176822
I am using the SQLBlobProvider instead of the built in standard blob. Could there be a problem with the migration or the scheduled job?
The only content type in terms of media is the ImageMedia class that I have created which is inheriting from the ImageData and an IMediaInterface.
Turned out that we were using the IPageFilter options to filter the content in the edit mode and did not check the assets panel to not filter the content. We added the IContentFilter instead with some logics.
Just noticed that the files and folder structure for the media and block tabs in the assets panel are missing. Which seems very strange since they do appear under the set access rights in the admin mode.
I am running Epi 10.10.0 version and I am not using the globalization or the site specific assets.
I read that the use site specif assets checkbox might the occuring problem, but ticking back and forth did nothing.
I am using the SQLBlobProvider instead of the built in standard blob. Could there be a problem with the migration or the scheduled job?
The only content type in terms of media is the ImageMedia class that I have created which is inheriting from the ImageData and an IMediaInterface.
Or am I in general missing something else?