Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Hi Benjamin,
I'd probably go with implementing a custom IUrlSegmentGenerator, one that still uses the default functionality:
internal class CustomUrlSegmentGenerator : IUrlSegmentGenerator
private readonly IUrlSegmentGenerator _urlSegmentGenerator;
public CustomUrlSegmentGenerator(IUrlSegmentGenerator urlSegmentGenerator)
_urlSegmentGenerator = urlSegmentGenerator;
public string Create(string proposedSegment, UrlSegmentOptions options)
// Replace ø whilst maintaining case of the original
proposedSegment = Regex.Replace(proposedSegment, "ø", match => char.IsUpper(match.Value[0]) ? "OE" : "oe", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return _urlSegmentGenerator.Create(proposedSegment, options);
public bool IsValid(string segment, UrlSegmentOptions options)
return _urlSegmentGenerator.IsValid(segment, options);
and the initialization module:
public class UrlSegmentGeneratorInitializer : IConfigurableModule
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
(locator, defaultUrlSegmentGenerator) => new CustomUrlSegmentGenerator(defaultUrlSegmentGenerator));
public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { }
public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { }
@Aniket: As far as I can see doesn't your code do something entriely different?
It wouldn't make any difference to the default segment for a page, but would it fact mean that if the user entered the URL:
it would try to route it to:
Hi Jake,
You are right. I misread the question. Deleting my comment to avoid confusion.
Thanks Jake, this helped me with a similar situation, replacing double hypens from generated urls.
while (proposedSegment.Contains("--"))
proposedSegment = proposedSegment.Replace("--", "-");
When a page is created an URL is auto-generated that changes ø to o. Is there any way to change this behaviour so that ø becomes oe?
Thanks in advance.