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You can define a InitializableModule, inherit it from IInitializableHttpModule.
Then bind you event like:
public void InitializeHttpEvents(HttpApplication application)
application.PreRequestHandlerExecute += this.ApplicationOnBeginRequest;
Now, inside your ApplicationOnBeginRequest method
private void ApplicationOnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
var contentRouteHelper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentRouteHelper>();
if (contentRouteHelper?.Content is PageData myPage)
var cat = myPage.Category.First();
var redirect = contentRouteHelper.Content.ParentLink + cat.ToString() + contentRouteHelper.ContentLink;
Note: This is high level idea only. Put proper null checks and exception handling.
Thanks & Regards
Praful Jangid
I have a child page under start page as shown below. How to access child page with url "startpage/category/childpage." Normally we get url as "startpage/childpage" where category is property of PageData.