Hi Senura,
You can certainly do that (in fact we do it for most of our sites). You just need to add the relevant properties to your base page type (if your site's based on alloy, the base page type is SitePageData), feed them into your viewmodel and render them in your site layout the same way as you'll be doing for other meta tags (title, keywords, description, etc). I'd recomend keeping meta tags and open graph tags in their own tab in the editor just to keep things neat.
Ok Understood. I had the same idea to implement as such. But I thought there might be already something defined in the Episerver when comes to the social media shareability. Thank you. Your descriptive answer is appreciated.
Just need to know is there a feature in the Episerver to add the Open Graph meta tags in Episerver pages?
Because, we need to improve website sharebility on social media like Facebook and LinkedIn.