Hi Tanvi,
You should use the AllowedType attribute to ContentArea.
AllowedTypes = new[] {typeof(CalloutBlock )})]
public virtual ContentArea MainContentArea { get; set; }
Then you can loop through the items and cast them to appropriate type and access their properties
@foreach (var item in Model.MainContent.FilteredItems.Select(x => x.GetContent()))
if (item is CalloutBlock calloutBlock)
@Html.PropertyFor(x => calloutBlock.Title)
else if (item is ParagraphBlock paragraphBlock)
@Html.PropertyFor(x => paragraphBlock.CopyTop)
I have a block and ContentArea property like below:
public class QuestionnaireBlock : BlockBase
[Display(Name = "Questions Content Area", GroupName = PropertyGroupNames.Content, Order = 10)]
public virtual ContentArea QuestionsContentArea { get; set; }
I place a block inside this QuestionsContentArea property as given below:
[Display(Name = "Question Text", GroupName = PropertyGroupNames.Content, Order = 10)]
public virtual string QuestionText { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Items", GroupName = PropertyGroupNames.Content, Order = 20)]
[EditorDescriptor(EditorDescriptorType = typeof(AnswerListPropertyDescriptor))]
public virtual IList<QuestionnaireAnswerBlock> Answers { get; set; }
how do I get the values of the properties of the block placed inside a contentarea in my model of type QuestionnaireBlock in the controller class