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URGENT + Need Database query to pull some content


There has been a one time need for pulling some content with the criteria so looking for database query: 

I need to be able to query data based on a page type and with some other filters:

I have a page type as ContentArticle and need to query all Content Article pages, with data like, Name, id, expiration date, its parent link (type and Name)

Jun 09, 2020 14:24
Dileep D - Jun 09, 2020 18:27
I have this so far which gives me Id, name and link and parent id too, how do I add parent name and type as a column in this query. This is getting tricky as I need the parent hierarchy until Start page as part of this query.
T.pkID 'Content Id',
TPL.Name 'Content Name',
T.fkParentID 'Parent Id',
TPL.LinkURL 'Link URL'
from tblPage T
inner join tblPageLanguage TPL ON T.pkID = TPL.fkPageID
inner join tblPageType TP
on T.fkPageTypeID = TP.pkID
where TP.Name = 'ContentArticlePage'

I went through the articles and got an idea of what data stays in which table and came up with above query. However from above query, I cannot find parent page names and types all the way till root. That is what am trying to find.

I tried putting the data in temp tables and creating joins but with that I can get only upto one level up.

Jun 10, 2020 0:15

Creating some temp tables and eventually joining on data I need, was able to get this resolved. However big thanks to the articles mentioned above which served as reference (understanding) which table to look for what kind of data.

Jun 10, 2020 18:04

Hi Dileep

Glad those links helped and hope Khurram sees this post one day - thank you Khurram :)


Jun 10, 2020 18:22
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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