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LinkItemCollection Media, Page items are not imported from the other site


I am using Episerver Import/Export data tools to export data from a website and import them to another website.

However, every property could be imported. But not the below LinkItemCollection property,

  Name = "Resource files",
  Description = "Resource files",
  GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content,
  Order = 85)]
public virtual LinkItemCollection ResourceFiles { get; set; }

When I export and import the page to the website, each and every property comes to the website. But LinkItemCollection property items are not correctly imported.

After importing, I could see in the Episerver page edit mode, the LinkItemCollection items have been imported. But when I clicked on them and go to the 'Edit link', it displays 'Link name/text' correctly and the link to the Page or Media is missing (empty field; please refer the screenshot below). However, the External links import in the LinkItemCollection works as expected.

How do I import LinkItemCollection items with Page or Media values?

Does the Episerver export tool export Page references and Media files in LinkItemCollection items?

What causes this?

Jul 16, 2020 11:41
- Jul 16, 2020 11:43
And I do not get warnings when importing either

Possibly the referenced media objects are not beeing added to the export 

Did you click the Export files that the pages link to option when doing the export ? 

Also could you import the page into the same website you exported out from, see if the assets are referenced corectly in this scenario ?


Jul 16, 2020 12:22
- Jul 17, 2020 6:28
Yes. I've checked the 'Export files that the pages link to' option when exporting.
As you have told, I have tried importing the page into the same website I have exported out from. And the LinkItemCollection item media reference (dummy.pdf) comes as long as the files are present in the website in the original form (e.g. If the LinkItemCollection has a media item referenced [dummy.pdf], it should be already available in the site to appear in the LinkItemCollection item 'Edit link' media field. If we delete the dummy.pdf and re-upload in the same directory, it won't find the media reference either).
According to the above findings, it seems like the exporting tool does not export the LinkItemCollection items (Such as .pdf, .png, .jpg etc.). Am I right?

As per the development team, this is as per design (Dev Support Case - CMS-16292). Not a bug.

Aug 11, 2020 9:38
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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