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Does importing CMS pages from the old site trigger the PublishingContent event?


I am using the builtin Episerver Import content tool in CMS Admin to import the CMS pages from the old site to new site.

My question is,

Does importing CMS pages as above will trigger the EPiServer.Core.IContentEvents.PublishingContent ?


My configuration is as below,

"EPiServer.CMS.Core" version="11.20.5"

Apr 21, 2021 5:50

Don't take my words for granted but I believe no, they have different events (IDataImporterEvents)

Apr 21, 2021 7:00

I would have to test to be sure, but I don't believe it triggers the event, however it should put the content in at the same state it was from the export source.

Jun 18, 2021 19:39

I tested, so you don't have to.

  • If you import a content that is published, and do not exist on the destionation, the PublishedContent-event IS triggered.
  • If you import a content that is published, exist on the destination, and you keep the «Update existing content items with matching ID» checbox checked, the the PublishedContent-event IS NOT triggered.
  • If you import a content that is published, exist on the destination, and you unckeck the «Update existing content items with matching ID» checbox, the the PublishedContent-event IS triggered.
  • If you import a content that is not published (a draft), then the PublishedContent-event IS NOT triggered.
Jun 19, 2021 20:21
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