Hello Again, I forgot to post an update on this thread.
Solution to the above problem was defined in this article https://support.optimizely.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003193652-Deploying-Episerver-sites-with-Marketo.
Below description is from the article in case above article is not visible to user.
In EPiServer.ConnectForMarketingAutomation.4.3.0 we added an additional method of encrypting connector credentials (AES encryption with an SHA256 computed hash based on the value of a key “MAICryptoKey” in the appSettings).
We encrypt/decrypt the credentials based on the "MAICryptoKey" key in the app settings and if it doesn't exist, we encrypt them using machineKey.
Since the machineKey would vary on each machine, you can prevent an issue with Marketo by adding your own unique value for "MAICryptoKey."
Resolution to the above problem is to ensure you add an app settings named MAICryptoKey with unique value. And cleanup your Marketo bigtable data.
~ Sujit
We are using Episerver.CampaignForConnect v3.0
Please note following issue does not happen on Integration or another environment where we have single instance.
Not sure if anyone else has encountered this?
~ Sujit