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Tax on shipping fee?


Could anyone tell me how to associate a tax with a shipping method?


I have created two different taxes, one for delivery and one for sale.


But when after I have executed the workflow CartPrepare and is redirecte to DIBS I only get the tax calucalted on my line items, not the shipping fee.


Best regards Andreas

Sep 13, 2011 16:18

Go a reply from support, if anyone else have this problem:



Dear Andreas,


I think it's a bug. You can customize the CartPrepare workflow by adding one more activity to calculate shipping tax. Please follow this document for instructions on how to customize a workflow:


Regarding your question "how to set tax that is not depending on coutrycode". A tax is created based on Jurisdiction Group. I think we can do a workaround by adding all Jurisdictions to the Group.


Best regards,

EPiServer Developer Support



Sep 15, 2011 8:35

So built my own workflow and got it right!

Sep 15, 2011 8:36
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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