Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Make sure this line in web.config
<add name="udpTransportCustom" type="Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.UdpTransportElement, EPiServer.Framework" />
is updated to
<add name="udpTransportCustom" type="Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples.UdpTransportElement, EPiServer.Framework.AspNet" />
No, the upgrade should work just fine - and this is not DXC-specific. You might have a web.config transformation which changes it back to the wrong value.
I've checked this in the commerce manager application and it's correct to what you've said it should be and there's no config transforms that would affect it. We have seen the Pass portal sometimes not be able to copy over locked files and it's the first deployment of the new code so I'll try another deployment.
I'm getting an error around the thumbnail manager after doing an upgrade a few days ago only on the DXC. Has anyone come across it?