MetaDataType LongString Alternative?


We need a long MetaDataPlus field for LineItems, and in the past have used a MetaDataType.LongString type when we needed to create them. These rely on ntext SQL fields, which are deprecated in SQL Server and I'm worried this might cause compatibility issues down the road. Is there is a recommended alternative for this, and an Epi plan for any fields that might have been created with this type? I searched on World, and only found a feature request mentioning the deprecation, with no guidance on the Metadata Plus developer guide page.

Jun 02, 2020 18:52

Interesting. We should definitely look into this. I will file a bug for Commerce team - thanks for bringing this into our attention 

Jun 04, 2020 9:24

Thanks Quan.

Jun 04, 2020 15:10
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