Unfortunately changing the metaclass is a not very well thought feature in Commerce Manager and it can cause unforseenable consequences. If you still want to proceed, in theory you can change the MetaClassId of an EntryContentBase (or NodeContent).
I recall that the catalog content system explicitly check to refuse changes in MetaClassId, but I can't seem to find that check in code now. Maybe I remember it incorrectly, or it was removed at some point.
Hi Quan,
Thank you for your reply. I actually try to change the MetaClassId of an EntryContentBase but it didn't work, it stays as the old MetaClass even after the update. Probably like you said there is a discarding MetaClass changes flow. I will move forward with other options, then thank you.
I need to convert my CatalogEntry object from Metaclass A to B. I can do this in CommerceManager but couldn't find any way to do this programmatically. I need to do this without creating a new CatalogEntry. What would be the best way to do this? Or is there any other way to do this in Commerce that could also help? Thank you.