I don't believe the 'PageEditing' will give you what you want however you could try using the urlresovler:
var virtualPathArguments = new VirtualPathArguments { ContextMode = ContextMode.Edit};
var url = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>().GetUrl(currentProduct.ContentLink, "de", virtualPathArguments);
This is by no means production code though might help point you in the right direction.
Thank you for your answer, I tried this already, this also results a url inside CMS interface, but invalid for my Commerce content.
I haven't tried this however this is based upon the PageEditing.GetEditUrlForLanguage.
string.Format("{0}/?language={1}#context=epi.cms.contentdata:///{2}", ModuleResourceResolver.Instance.ResolvePath("Commerce", null).TrimEnd('/'), language, contentLink)
I'll have a play around later and see if I can come up with something solid.
There should be away to do it, as the Optimizely quicknavigation can do it.
My collagaue found EPiServer.Web.Routing.EditUrlResolver.GetEditViewUrl(), which is working great for CMS and Commerce, apparently other variants should not be used.
Thanks for your help.
Using Commerce 13.34.
When generating edit link for a Commerce content with PageEditing.GetEditUrlForLanguage(), it always returns a link to CMS instead of Commerce, so context is invalid, meaning instead of link
it returns something like
Is there a way to generate an edit link correctly in Commerce content? Apparently PageEditing hardcodes "CMS" in implementation.