How to add DynamicContent (usercontrol) to a page


Hello, I'm new to EpiServer so forgive me if this is a very silly question.

I've created a simple test usercontrol following some tutorials I've found on the internet (for example: this) but I'm not able to add it to a page.

My simple user control:


<%@ control language="C#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="TestUserControl.ascx.cs" inherits="EPiServerSite1.UserControls.TestUserControl" %>

Hello World! - Test User Control

Code behind:

using EPiServer;
using EPiServer.DynamicContent;

namespace EPiServerSite1.UserControls
        DisplayName = "TestUserControl",
        Description = "Test UserControl",
        ViewUrl = "~/UserControls/TestUserControl.ascx")]
    public partial class TestUserControl : UserControlBase
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Now I would like to add this to a page but I can't find a way to do it. I've tried editing existing content (I'm working with the Alloy demo site) but the XHTML sections don't have any "add dynamic content" button as I've seen in the tutorials. I've created new blocks with XHTML properties but still no luck.

In the tutorials I see this:

but in my site I see this:

What I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.


Feb 04, 2015 18:53

Hi Martin,

When you log in to admin mode, under Config / Edit Custom Property Types, you can click on XHTML string (>255) and add new TineMCE editor settings.

Just drag & drop new buttons to the Editor toolbar, save settings as the default ones, and that's it :)

Feb 04, 2015 20:47

Hey! that did the trick.

Thanks for taking the time to answer such a silly question that I'm sure won't be the last one.


Feb 04, 2015 21:38
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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