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EPiLogConverter configuration

I am about to set up log-analysing of EPiServer logs by using the EPiLogConverter-utility. Does anybody have some "best-practices", or references on how to configure this tool? The breferred Log analyzer in this case is Web trends. Any experiences using this combination? Elektropost does not give any support in this regard, therefore all input is interesting from my point of view :)
Oct 13, 2004 10:34
It seems that the parameter example in the "Readme.txt" file is somewhat misleading. In stead of using paremeters like: EPiLogConverter.exe [configuration file] [output directory] [file(s)] use: EPiLogConverter.exe [configuration file] [output directory] [file(s)] [input directory] [file(s)] At least this worked fine for me... Another issue is that the reports generated from the manipulated logs (I used WebLogExpert Lite -a freeware log-analyzer available at, tracks quite a large amount of extra "noise". Maybe the Log4Net-tool is the thing to generate more "friendly" logs?
Oct 13, 2004 14:45
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