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External data as memory based pages

What is best practice for achieving the following; I want to represent external data as memory based pages in EPiServer. These new pages should be visible in the menu and get a unique URL that can be revoked at any time and trigger recreation of the dynamic page. I'm trying the following: I have an entry point that is a pagetype reading the external data and dynamically creating new pages. These pages become children of the entry point and are ment to be visible in the menu. When clicking a meny point another pagetype will be called with a URL prm. identifying the external data to be visualized. I have pretty much achieved most of this but the 'visible in menu' part. When I navigate to the entry point all menus are viped out (I'm using the sample project for testing). The code I use for page creation; PageData _dynPage = new EPiServer.Core.PageData(); _dynPage.Property["PageName"] = new PropertyString("dummy"); _dynPage.Property["PageVisibleInMenu"] = new PropertyBoolean(true); _dynPage.Property["PageLink"] = new PropertyPageReference(EPiServer.Core.PageReference.EmptyReference); _dynPage.Property["PageParentLink"] = new PropertyPageReference((EPiServer.Core.PageReference) _parentPage["PageLink"]); _dynPage.Property["PagePendingPublish"] = new PropertyBoolean(false); _dynPage.Property["PageTypeName"] = new PropertyString("Ordinary web page"); _dynPage.Property["PageTypeID"] = new PropertyPageType(3); _dynPage.Property["PageLinkURL"] = new PropertyString(_pageURL); _dynPages.Add(_dynPage); The entry point is set as parent page for the created pages. Created pages are returned as a PagaDataCollection from the entry points GetChildren; public override PageDataCollection GetChildren(PageReference pageLink) { return memoryPages.GetPages; } What's missing to fix the menu problem? Are there other (and better) approaches to this?
Oct 18, 2004 16:16
I think you need to chamge the PublishedStatus of the Listcontrol to Ignore.
Nov 03, 2004 10:14
Or set the property "PageWorkStatus" to VersionStatus.Published using a PropertyNumber should do it also.
Nov 03, 2004 14:38
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