Can regions be placed above body tag (i.e within <head> </head>) in Framework user control

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Jun 08, 2006 12:05
Murali, If you look at the sample templates provided with EPiServer you'll see that there is a user control that formats the section (templates/Units/Header.ascx), and is referenced in the DefaultFramework.ascx framework definition as <%@ Control Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="DefaultFramework.ascx.cs" Inherits="development.Frameworks.DefaultFramework" TargetSchema="" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="EPiServer" Namespace="EPiServer.WebControls" Assembly="EPiServer" %> ]]> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="Listing" Src="~/templates/Units/Listing.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="TopMenu" Src="~/templates/Units/TopMenu.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="LeftMenu" Src="~/templates/Units/Menu.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="PageBody" Src="~/templates/Units/PageBody.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="PageHeader" Src="~/templates/Units/PageHeader.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="Print" Src="~/templates/Units/PrintFunctions.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="Quicksearch" Src="~/templates/Units/QuickSearch.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="QuickBar" Src="~/templates/Units/QuickBar.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="RightListing" Src="~/templates/Units/RightListing.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="WriterInfo" Src="~/templates/Units/WriterInfo.ascx"%> <%@ Register TagPrefix="development" TagName="BreadCrumbs" Src="~/templates/Units/BreadCrumbs.ascx"%>
Jun 08, 2006 16:19
Oops, didn't format as I'd have liked. What I'm trying to say is that it would be easy to add another user control to set what you want your BrowserTitle region to hold. Cheers, Mark
Jun 08, 2006 16:21
Hi Mark Thank you very much. Regards Murali
Jun 09, 2006 10:39
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