has been added to the header.ascx.
we're btw running on .Net 2.0
I have the same problem. We have several search-pages where the user inputs what to search for and then presses a button. It works find without friendly urls, but when I turn friendly urls on the buttons doesn't perform postbacks. That is, the pages does relaod, but in the pageload the IsPostback is false and the click-event never fires.
I have <episerver:FriendlyUrlRegistration runat="server"/> in the header.ascx.
Any suggestions?
Is this what your refering to?
<script type='text/javascript'>document.forms[0].action='/Sok/Post.aspx';</script>
Our search page is pretty much unchanged from your templates.
I'm having the same problem as the events are not firing up. Every single button has became virtually dead... I'm currently using .net 2.0 and Episerver 4.61.
Has anyone found a solution for this??
Hi Lars.
The postback is posting back to the episerver "unfriendly" url, this recieves a 301 redirect, and is then sent to the friendly url. the post data is lost as the 301 forces a HTTP GET.
I managed to get it working without the friendly urls, which itself is also a problem.
What do you mean by having the control registered? The friendlyurl assembly is being called from a http handler declared in web.config file.
I just experienced this event not triggering problem after turning on friendlyURLs on an old and unfamiliar 4.61.2 website.
I added "<episerver:FriendlyUrlRegistration ID="FriendlyUrlRegistration1" runat="server"/>" between the <head> tag and it worked again :) Thanks for the old tip ;)
There was a problem with some other piece of code and the following line helped me out of a pickle. Maybe its redundent after adding the <friendlyurlregistration> but either way, if it helps someone solve a friendly url problem here it is: