Repost: Removed Information tab

God morning everyone! I hope you all had a very nice easter holyday. I did post this in the Problems and bugs first, but trying to post it here instead as it looks like there are many more that reads this part of the forum :) I did just run in to some serious problem. I did Import data from my test site on to my live site. All worked like it was supposed to except one thing. I did end up with 2 x Informations tab (the standard one, and my own one that was renamed to “main information”. Both was on the same sort index (10) and looked the same. So I clicked delete on the one that was not imported. It did list all the custom values that was belonging to it (from Start page, example NewsCount, MainImage and so on) and asked me for what tab to move the to upon delete. So I selected my own tab (“main information”) and pressed delete. Worked nice, it did move all custom values to my imported tab. But later when I went to edit mode to start to set up the pages, the 4 normal input fields wasn’t there. Pagename, start publish date, end publish date and mark as changed. After that I have looked everywhere and tested everything. And it looks like there is no way to get them back :( So does anyone know how to get the 4 standard inputs fields back?
Apr 10, 2007 8:36
Tried the same on my local installation and it seems your are right, the 4 properties are "gone". Searched our reportingsystem as well, but it seem like no one has tried this before. One way to get it back is to follow these steps: - backup you database - create a new tab "Information" - modify the table tblPageDefinitionGroup, column pkID with settings so you can change the pkID value - change the value in the column pkID for the new "Information" tab from xxx -> 0 - modify the table tblPageDefinitionGroup back to the original (remember to set identity) - you may have to empty the caching (save web.config) - test that application work like expected (move properties, add and delete tabs etc) 4 properties will now appear on the tab. /Øyvind
Apr 12, 2007 14:46
WOW!!! Party on, it worked! :) (Had 2 deadlines to take care of first, that’s way I didn’t have time to look in to this before today) The server didn’t have access to Enterprise Manager, so I did do a small script for the work, and it worked just prefect :) <%@ Page language="c#"%> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>
Apr 18, 2007 15:05
Opps, checkDB() shouldnt be there, that was just my testing code to check if everything was ok. But lets post that function to :) void checkDB() { strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=(local);Database=dbName;User Id=username;Password=pass;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;"; OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnection(strConn); strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPageDefinitionGroup"; OleDbCommand objCmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn); objConn.Open(); OleDbDataReader objRead; objRead = objCmd.ExecuteReader(); if (objRead.HasRows) { while(objRead.Read()) { Response.Write(objRead.GetInt32(0)+" - "+objRead.GetString(5)+"
"); } } }
Apr 18, 2007 15:13
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