XForms options as name-value

Is it possible to define the options selectable in an XForm (e.g. in a checkbox) as name-value pairs? What I want is to display one thing and save an other to the database (the name may be long and I want to save it as a short code).
Sep 10, 2008 14:16
I realize that I can fix this by subscribing to the events etc., I just wonder if there is a shorthand in the Edit mode XForms definition, like Putting name|value in the box of available options.
Sep 10, 2008 14:31

It turns out this can be accomplished by pressing ctrl-shift-c to copy the form layout from the editor, pasting it in a text editor, changing the values, and pasting it back (ctrl-shift-v).

This is not something you can expect from editors however, so I'm posting a feature request.

Sep 11, 2008 10:20
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