This problem occurs when you have one IIS website which resolves to two 'sites' in EPiServer. In other words, the traffic for any particular site in EPiServer must come through one, and only one, IIS website.
If you want to have multiple domain names that you want to resolve to an EPiServer site, then make sure that you have ONE single IIS website with multiple host headers.
Using host headers screws up the styles/paths in Edit or Admin mode:
We have a scheduled job that tries to retrieve information (settings for the job) from the startpages of a couple of different sites in an enterprise setup of EPiServer by iterating through the site-sections in web.config. It works ok sometimes but now and then we get a message saying something like this:
Error: Application is initialized with settings for siteId="Site1", but current request maps to siteId="Site2" at EPiServer.Configuration.Settings.get_Instance() at EPiServer.Globalization.ContentLanguage.LanguagePreferenceList(String priorityLanguage) at EPiServer.Globalization.ContentLanguage.SetCulture(String priorityLanguage) at
This post ( points to a similar problem but no solution has been provided there so I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the same problem and found a solution to it?
Best regards