But I think that this is the easiest way to do a migration.
We have succesfully moved from Oracle to MS SQL with the use of a SSIS package.
This way we kept all PageIDs(not using FURL), mirroring info etc.
Our Oracle database was case sensitive and we did go with a case insesitive MS SQL implementation so we ended up with a little cleaning up, nothing major. Mostly in the tblSID table with users haveing registed them selves with ABBA@se.se and abba@se.se, as an example :-)
We had to translate the GUIDS from being stored as strings in Oracle to genuine GUIDS in MSSQL, and some other minor translations.
It went supprisingly smooth, all handled in a SSIS package, takes about 10min to pump data from Oracle to MS SQL with 40 000 pages + pageversions.
So it can be done :-)