you need to hook into ther on_loggedin event i think is what it is called. then you will get what you need. You can also setup your login url to any page you want and add the <asp:Login control to the page as that is what episerver uses as well. You can also use a control adapter as well for the login control. Many ways to do this.
I have a problem that I hope someone can help me with.
I needed to make a custom authentication-handler on a cms5-site. So I changed authentication-settings in web.config to this:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="templates/MyOwnLogin.aspx" name=".EPiServerLogin" timeout="480" />
In my authenticator I want the standard episerver authenticator to handle logins to edit and admin-mode so I added this code:
if (url.StartsWith("/login/"))
Response.Redirect("/util/login.aspx?" + Request.QueryString, false);
This work as intended. The problem is that when you get redirected to the standard episerver-login, and you enter usr/pwd and submit, you are not redirected to the returnurl in the querystring. It seems like nothing happens, but you have actually been authenticated and you can go to edit- or admin-mode manually by entering the url.
Has anyone experienced this before? Or does anyone know of a better way to implement Login-interception?
best regards,
Frank Johannessen