Hi Kim,
I assume you're using PTB? In that case, adding the following code to your Global.asax will make it possible for you to set DefaultValue="-" as a reference to itself.
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
DataFactory.Instance.LoadedDefaultPageData += new PageEventHandler(Instance_LoadedDefaultPageData);
void Instance_LoadedDefaultPageData(object sender, PageEventArgs e)
if (e.Page is PageTypeBuilder.TypedPageData)
var query = from props in e.Page.GetType().BaseType.GetProperties()
let ptbDefaultValues = props.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PageTypePropertyAttribute), true).OfType<PageTypePropertyAttribute>().Where(a => a.DefaultValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.DefaultValue as string)).ToList()
where e.Page[props.Name] == null //Property has no default value from DataFactory
&& ptbDefaultValues.Count > 0
select new { props.Name, ptbDefaultValues.FirstOrDefault().DefaultValue };
foreach (var prop in query)
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions on this piece of code!
I'm trying to set the default value of the Page property to "The current page" but I can't get it to work.
Seeing as pressing the button for "The current page" sets the value of the hidden field to a dash (-), I thought that a dash could be used in the default value field, but I was wrong..
Has anyone else succeeded, hopefully in a simple way, to set the default value of the page property to the current page being created?