This is only about MVC route mapping. You should create another route for link 2 before your current mapped route for link 1. If "client" is dynamic also, then you could have something
routes.MapRoute("link2", "{client}/{language}/{node}/{id}/{action},...); route.MapRoute("link1", "{language}/{node}/{id}/{action},...);
So when navigate to link 2, first route will be mapped. when navigate to link 1, first route is not match, then second route is mapped.
Hope this helps
Hi All
I have two pages used same page type, the url like following
1. http://website/en/{node}/GUID
2. http://website/client/en/{node}/GUID (By the way, the 'client' will change for different language)
I created a router like this {language}/{node}/{id}/{action},
but only link 1 works, link 2 is 404.
How could I let link2 work?
I used EPI 8.*