I was able to set up the commerce site as a child application of the cms site. I needed to update the web.config for the cms site to add <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> around the sections that cause problems if inherited by the commerce application. I basically just added it around all the sections so as to have a clean web.config file, though that could be streamlined in the future. The issue I am having now is that commerce is trying to access a specific port to download resources, as opposed to using the path straight. My style urls look like the following:
Instead of:
More information about this issue is that it seems when making a request to commerce, it is returning the port in the result of the url instead of just the url that I have set up.
http://www.domain.com --> Main cms (runs on port 8012)
http://www.domain.com/commerce -> Commerce Manager
Resources that are running from the Commerce Manager page like css files are loading as
The issue is that this is going through a load balancer that is sending requests to this domain to port:80 automatically and it maps it to our local servers that run off port 8012, so commerce ends up looking for a load balancer site on port :8012 that doesn't exist.
Any ideas on how to make commerce return urls without the port?
I am setting up Commerce in my IIS environment. Right now I have it listed as a separate site that the CMS application accesses. Instead of using an actual domain though, I reference the server name and the port of the web application in the cms web.config. The problem is that if I was deploy this to a separate environment, I would need to create a transform for each machine so that it points to the right location. Is there any way of setting up Commerce as a sub application under the main Cms website's application so that I can reference it via the Cms site itself instead of it's own domain.
Current setup:
Cms: site.domain.com
Commerce: site.commerce.domain.com (on port 8012)
Cms Config
Desired setup:
Cms: site.domain.com
Commerce: site.domain.com/commerce
Cms config: