Autosave not working after publishing


I have created a custom property with dojo. As soon as a property on this page changes, Episerver autosaves the change and the user has the possibility to publish these changes. Until here everything seems to work as it should be (also for my own property). However, after publishing we can change properties as much as we like, but autosave is never executed and the user can't publish these changes because episerver is thinking nothing has changed (also when we do not change any thing on our custom property). I searched a lot on the internet and the forum and I first thought it has something to do with the this.onChange(value). A lot of debugging and googleing later I realized that this.onChange is called as it should; the value is even changed but nothing happend. The problem is not only with my own property but with all properties on the page (but only after a first publish in the current session, after hitting CRTL-F5 it works again once). I start removing js code from the dojo js and realized that as soon as the next lines of code are added this behaviour (of only publishing once) occured;

I think the problem is somewhere with the GridContainer, or I use "this.container.appendChild(layout.domNode);" wrong.

Any one an idea?



function (


) {
    return declare("app.editors.SortableMultiSelection", [
        _Container], {
            templateString: "",
            postCreate: function () {
                var layout = new GridContainer({
                    nbZones: 1,
                    id: "grid_" +,
                    isAutoOrganized: true

                //this.connect(layout, "onBlur", "_change");

Jan 10, 2017 11:56
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