Accessing PageData properties using brackets


In pursuing support for old constructs when upgrading I have a question regarding the use of [] to retreive property values as in

aPage["MainBody"]. It clearly works well in 7.5, but how about 9.5 or 10?

This is of course still a syntactically valid way to access property values, but it is still applicable in the coming versions of EPiServer?

Whereas most applicatons of today rely and benefit from a programmatic control of the page types, the old sites (dated from the time before Page type builder) did not have this possibility, and hence it was the standard way of handling page properties.


Christian Wallgren

Feb 07, 2017 15:23

Hi Christian,

You can still use magic strings, but this is not a recommended approach. 

Feb 07, 2017 15:53
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